Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Next time I'm having trouble at work I'm just going to ask the next Puerto Rican woman I see how to do my job.

Fuck that activist bigot.

Monday, May 25, 2009


You know how we know this was local? Because Pyongyang didn't time it for the East Coast press schedule like everyone else does.

Friday, May 15, 2009

America is a pro-life country


The stat I found most interesting? Women are more pro-life than men are.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


A flu broke out in Mexico because Kathleen Sebelius's corrupt ass is not the yet of DHHS?


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bitch move Barry, bitch move.


Apparently the President had Georgetown black out the IHS with a piece of plywood when he was speaking there. I find our new President to be so classless, so careless, so.....pedestrian.

BTW, Georgetown, grow a pair.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Barney Frank Interview

I just finished listening to an interview with Barney Frank on NPR. I am less than convinced that that man is lucid.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Americans are nice people

I forgot my wallet yesterday so I had to go up to some guy I see on the train from time to time and say "Hey mister, can I barrow 4 bucks?". With just about no expectation that he would see his money again (he will) he gave me the money. I had to print something out in the University library but didn't have my card and it was really important so I went up to a computer bank of strangers, held up my arms and said "people! I really need the money to print this". Instantly some guy in the front row who I have never seen before and never will again says "I got this" and handed me the money. A friend paid for lunch and another friend paid for the bus fare. I'm glad I was born in such a prosperous, generous place.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Caesar Rodney Institute


They're still in the building process but there is the potential for these folks to have a huge positive impact on Delaware politics and I for one have high hopes. What do you folks think?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Senate Bill 27

Everybody needs to remember that homosexual marriage is already illegal in Delaware and will be for the foreseeable future. This bill would not "illegalize homosexuality" it would just move the definition of marriage (which isn't going anywhere in this state) from the civil code to the State Constitution so that the people, and not the courts, can change it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Anonymous Editors on Wikipedia

As someone who has put a lot of work into Wikipedia, I have reluctantly concluded that in order to move forward as a project we have to stop letting people edit as anons.

I believe in the spirit of the project but I am unconvinced that the current requirements for account creation form any real barrier to being the free encyclopedia that "anyone can edit". On the other hand, many good editors have the valuable time that they are able/willing to contribute eaten up by fighting anon vandals. Probably 1/5 of what I do on Wikipedia is revert or rollback vandalism by anons to the pages on my watchlist. While that looks great for an edit count, in terms of productivity it only represents wasted time. Someone indicated to me that the turn-over rate for seasoned administrators has become unusually high. I have no hard evidence but I don't think it is unreasonable to think that part of it is being bored with just blocking anon vandals and not having time for much else. If the project were able to free them up to do more productive, interesting things more of them would stay longer.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mr. Holder, you can pry it from my cold, dead hands.


It looks like the price of new M4s is about to go up again.

Eric Holder, the same new AG that called Americans cowards for not hanging out with each other after work, has announced that the Obama administration will be pushing new gun rights restrictions. The most retarded part of this is that the Obama administration is saying the federal government has to take American's rights away because of a civil war in Mexico. Instead of launching off on an anti-gun crusade maybe Barry could, you know ... help the Mexican government out with that or something. I hope this stalls out in Congress.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just sayin'

If it is Castle vs. Biden I'm going with Castle. If it is Castle vs. Carney I'm going with Carney.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Who for New Castle County Council?

Folks are angry with New Castle County Council because the Democratic super-majority has brought them Work Force Housing and a 40 million dollar budget shortfall. In order to fill the vacancy in the 5th district left by the departing Councilwoman Stephanie McClellan, the Democratic party has tapped Lisa Diller. I was looking over Mrs. Diller's website and she seems like a nice lady but where does she address our county's economic woes? Where does she say she would protect her constituents from Work Force Housing? Putting a D next to your name doesn't make you a bad politician and there are plenty of good, dynamic Democrats out there but is Mrs. Diller one of them? Is she going to break rank with her party when its time to chose between her constitutents interests and staying in the good graces of the super-majority? Unless the candidate the Republicans nominate is a real sleeze bucket the good people of Newark should do themselves and the County a favor and vote for change.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result. The democratic super-majority in New Castle County Council brought us these problems, it is insane to believe that election another rank and file Democrat will make things any better.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Gran Torino

I freaking loved this movie.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


This is a no-win situation. I blame Hamas for ending their ceasefire (AKA, launching rockets at Israeli civilian areas). What did they possibly think the outcome of that action would be? They picked a fight, now they have it and the people of Gaza will be stuck in the middle. I blame Israel for immediately resorting to bombing civilian targets. I consider myself to be pro-Israel and every nation has a right to defend itself but Israel routinely takes things too far. Their 2006 invasion of Lebanon was a total disaster leaving them less secure and a pile of dead bodies and a destroyed pro-American Lebanese government in the wake of their arrogance. At least they've stopped bombing and are moving in on ground. I blame the people of Gaza for electing a government of terrorists.

I think the best case scenario is that Israel occupies and administers Gaza in an equitable manner for a few years or turns it over to the UN after they've steamrolled Hamas. I suspect neither of these things will happen and that they'll be total jerks if there is an occupation. Hopefully Bush can talk them into leaving after they're crippled Hamas.

Every day I wake up and wonder if today will be the day obama says something definitive, something productive about the conflict. As taking sides in this is not valuable to him and could impact his chances at re-election so I suspect he won't do a damn thing, maybe ask Americans to pray for peace but that will be the extent of it.